Hunger Games
Each player gets a bow and two arrows. Everyone stands back to back in a circle. Once the countdown is over, all players may run away into the defined area, and five counts later you may shoot at each other.
If you are hit, you are out. Put your bow down in the middle, so that everyone knows that you have been killed. The last warrior is the winner!
Tip 1: It is important to pick up each other’s arrows otherwise you will quickly run out of arrows.
Tip 2: Close alliances at the beginning, note that only 1 person can win.
Fat Bertha
There are two groups: the knights with bows and the chaplains (without bows). The knight starts alone, the others are chaplains.
Knights may only shoot in the hunting area (zone 1), between the walls the chaplains are safe (2 zones between the hunting area). If the chaplain is hit in the hunting area, he/she becomes a knight. The last chaplain is the winner!
Tip 1: wear your mask at this game
Tip 2: knights should keep enough distance from the hunting area
Create two knight teams and divide the game into three zones. Knight team 1 is in zone 1, while knight team 2 is in zone 3. The zone in between is provided as a buffer where all arrows are collected at the beginning of the game.
Claim as many arrows as possible and start the game. If you are hit, the other knight team gets a point. Play two sets to 15 points. The winning knight team rules the area!
Tip 1: use obstacles to hide behind
Tip 2: agree on a team tactic in advance