Would you like a tailor-made offer?

Simply request a quote here.

We are also looking for interns and event supervisors to strengthen our team! Interested? Send an email to Bounce-it.

Youth camp activities

Are you the leader of a youth movement or are you a youth movement yourself and do you want to propose cool activities? Have a look at all our possibilities especially adapted for your youth movement! We offer fast pick-ups for day or weekend activities and in addition we have very nice formulas to take our equipment with you on camp!

↓ Scroll down to discover our formulas. ↓


Bumper soccer

Football with many tackles.


€ 12,50


Teambuilding - Bounce-it


Funny moments

Extremely high fun content

Breathtaking tackles

Pick up Friday – return Sunday*.

No deposit required – payment afterwards

*Need more time? That’s possible, scroll down for more options.

More info Bumper

Pick up the bumper balls in one of our many pick-up points.

Arrow Tag

Shoot the leader!

€ 10

per kit

Teambuilding Icoon pijl prijzen - Bounce-it


Realistic battles


Fast pick-up service

Pick up Friday – return Sunday*.

No deposit required – payment afterwards

*Need more time? That’s possible, scroll down for more options.

More Archery info

Pick up the archery set at one of our many pick-up points.

Most chosen

Bumper soccer

+ Arrow Tag


€ 20


Icoon All in Formule - Bounce-it


Combine two activities

Get a discount on the archery sets (€7 instead of €10)

Use the balls as obstacles

Pick up Friday – return Sunday*.

No deposit required – payment afterwards

*Need more time? That’s possible, scroll down for more options.

Ask a quotation

Pick up the material in one of our many pick-up points.

Specially for you!

For the youth movement, we have reused our 3 pick-up formulas and adapted them especially to your needs.

Our standard pick-up formula is designed to take the equipment with you on camp for a weekend. In the formulas below you will find the possibility to take our playing material with you during the whole camp!

How does it work?

Here is an example: Bert (leader of a youth movement) picks up the material the day before the camp at 1 of our 6 pick-up points. During the camp they do various activities of their choice and the day after the camp Bert brings the material back to the pick-up point.


Bumper soccer

Make football more fun at camp

€ 50

per extra day

Teambuilding Icoon Bal - Bounce-it


Funny moments

Extremely high fun content

Breathtaking tackles

Flexible pick-up and return hours

No deposit required – payment afterwards

More info Bumper

Pick up the bumper balls in one of our many pick-up points.

Arrow Tag

Shoot the leader!

€ 50

per extra day

Teambuilding Icoon pijl prijzen - Bounce-it


Realistic battles


Fast pick-up service

Flexible pick-up and return hours

No deposit required – payment afterwards

More Archery info

Pick up the archery set at one of our many pick-up points.

Most chosen

Bumper soccer

+ Arrow Tag

€ 50

per extra day

Icoon All in Formule - Bounce-it


Combine two activities

Get a discount on the archery sets (€7 instead of €10)

Use the balls as obstacles

Flexible pick-up and return hours

No deposit required – payment afterwards

Ask a quotation

Pick up the material in one of our many pick-up points.

Info brochure youth movement

Would you like more information or just a pdf document to send? Then request your brochure below.

What others say about us

More info and tips on youth activities

For youth movements, we certainly have a few fun games we can play.

Bounce the leader

The idea here is that everyone except the leader stands in the middle of a playing field with a bumper soccer. Then the leader must try to reach the other side without being disturbed by the players in the middle.

Shoot the leader

The leader must cross a playing field without being hit by the archers with an archery bow and arrow along the sideline.

AR Escape game with fun and embarrassing questions about the youth movement of your choice.

For example: "What is the guilty pleasure of the leadership on Netflix?".

If you want to find out more about the game, request your quote now to secure your activity.

YES of course! The madder the better. Just make sure that dressing up does not interfere with your sporting activities.

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